Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20,2011 #3

Just a little frustration in his email because he got nothing last week and this week to many to read.

hey there mom and family!
Mom I don' t think you understand that we only get 30 minutes to email on p days so having two messages from you that would take 30 minutes to read dont fly. We only get to write you on p days to so I can only send hand written ones once a week and they take 1 to three weeks to get to you. I only have 9 minutes left so I haven't read your messages but i'll get the packets. Me and the district are going to get something to eat tonight for p day. The portuguese is coming very slowly but its coming. If only slang and jokes could be used to preach the gospel i'd be set but its not so, really all I can do is make brazilians laugh. Im having the time of my life out here and I wanted to let you know I love you all. I've realized that I was called to a foreign mission because I honestly was born to teach the gospel. Up until this point we have been allowed to teach in english to practice investigators and me and my companion are killing it. Now that we have to teach in all portuguese now we are struggling a bit. I can understand what people say to me... i know just 3 weeks in and i know what there saying, but i can't speak and say what i want back to them, except i know the gospel is true or the book of mormon is true. My teacher tells me ive got all the tools as a people person and testimony wise to thrive on a mission. I think one of two things is going to happen. Either im going to be so blessed by the Lord and im going to baptize possibly 100 or so, or I'm gonna be so blessed by the Lord in a different way as he shows me my weaknesses and humbles me. Either way im being blessed. I only have a minute left so i gotta go. Tell Riley and Cambria I said I love them very much and whats Jared and Lindseys email.... love you guys elder Bennett

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