Date: May 21, 2012
Area: Londrina
Companion: Elder Miguel Delgadillo
that's nice to hear that tyler haroldson is doing well and going on splits with the missionaries. im proud of his progress as well.
nice to hear that grandpa bennetts out of the hospital also. hope all is well from here on out for him and grandma jean.
i talked to the church doctor from salt lake and he said its safer that i get the surgery after the mission in the states. he said either way im gonna lose my gall bladder so that sucks.
i like hearing where everyone else is going to serve. taylor must be pretty excited right now. whatever happened to alex katich?
i think thats so cool that pierce is going to serve in the same mission as elder gomez. ya know what would be really cool is if elder gomez trained pierce. hahaha now thatd be a really cool experience! but seriously though what ever happened to alex katich?
i got a letter from elder urmston the other day. we talk a bit. the boiseidaho misson sounds a lot different
ya its starting to get cold so we make some tea in the morning to wake up, and at night before bed, its definitly one of my favorite parts of the day.
ya maybe someday ill recieve the envelope but as far as i know, it hasnt came. but i could really use some singulair.
we moved to so ill get you that address and you can just send stuff to there if you want. i dont know it now but ill get it next week. did you send the package? if not, send it
so this last week is one that id never like to think about ever again in my life. so i wont speak of it. but today is a new day! its nice to have a comp thats just so excited about everything, even when youre failing. makes the hard times seem a little softer. send another memeory card thing, not for cameras but for computers please.
but this last week we decided to go into paeçambu, an area in our area, i have seen hell now and i dont like it. of all the areas i could get sent to in this nice city, they send me to freaking the most ghetto area ever. o ya our new apartment is next to a street called santa monica. the locals here call it terra de crack. that translates to crackland. literally people in our new apartment complex came up to us, and told us, after 6 never walk on that street. nice to know some people still care. actually president has areas in this area that he has specifically told us we cannot enter, it comes to about half our area.
i just wanna baptize a nice married family, that has no affiliation with gangs, robberies, murders, or drug dealing... we´ll find one eventually!
last night we talked with bishop, he said he called the other ´´active´´ men in our ward to see if theyd go make visits with him, and he said not one said they wanted to. he told us he knows of nothing else he can do and this ward will probably be split up into 2 branches. satans working very hard here. well gotta go, got a lot of work here to do today, still got to move into to our new house, on our p day. mmmmmmm lifes good.
- Elder Parker
yup the days are going by pretty fast. not these last couple days though. was a tough week to say the least. but we did move into our new apartment today so that means we can actually live in our area this time. so these next weeks will be better. for now, i hope the hard parts over.
i talked to the doctor for all missionaries of brazil in salt lake on the phone and he said that its better i wait till i return to the states to have the surgery. he told me either way i am going to get my gall bladder taken out which i dont like at all but life does things to you sometimes you just cant change.
keep hoopin it up also! im pretty sure im going to be terrible when i return. we played that one time and i dont know how to shoot anymore. my hands just dont work well together anymore. im gonna need some practice haha.
thats nice that you and craig cleveland can still play together. thatd be cool if someday me and adam could play together when were dads to.
love you,
Elder Parker
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