Monday, May 14, 2012

Best Mother's Day Ever!!!!

What a wonderful Mother's Day to be able to skype with Parker! Such an amazing gift of technology that we have. Parker's comments are reflecting a lot of our conversation yesterday on skype. So hopefully you can understand. I am still concerned about his health and so we talked about that and to help the readers he talks about new sister in law and niece Nicole and Chloe and Sister in law Janaye and brother Logan, also younger brother Riley. Enjoy, and keep checking the blog, I am posting his video Logan took of him on skype baring his testimony of Jesus Christ and his church in Portuguese. 5 1/2 months out and he is fluent, which is totally a miracle.

Dearest concerned mother,
     the spot on my finger is because I'm turning into a lamanite, but ill ask why i have it. we tried to call sister tavares yesterday but she never picked up probably because of mothers day but were gonna call back again today and tell her that I'm thinking I'm gonna get the surgery. I'm not having pains anymore but that is also because i know that i cant eat fatty foods so i don't.  but ya if i drink,  especially soda or artificial juice, which is all they drink here, it feels like my stomachs getting ripped apart. saw the doctor last week, he recommended the surgery and i recommended id rather baptise, so he told me to think about it and call him back if i ever have more pain. as of now I'm free sailing, no drs appts or nothing but I'm probably gonna get some this week because of this surgery, i hope not cause i cant lose anymore time. i don't know i was just thinking about it and thought I'm only 6 months in still and it will take about 5 days away from my mission so i thought about how I'm still pretty new on the mish and its probably better to have it now then a year from now.  the stones have wrecked my gall bladder so much that i have to have my gall bladder taken out to. but i really don't want the surgery, but i must obey.

   my address is everything the same but instead the part  that's, rua higienopolis its, RUA CAMPINAS 145 F, and its F at the end because we live in the fundos, or the back in Portuguese. so you need that capital F. its in the city of Londrina and everything to so everythings the same just that part is different. in case you were wondering rua means street in port. also so its just a different street but everythings the same. and yes with the surgery and the fact that I'm only here for one transfer so far i figure I'm probably gonna stay another 3 1/2 months here. maybe longer. rarely does president transfer you after 1 transfer. it should arrive on time anyways if you send it Wednesday. it takes about 2 1/2 weeks. but thanks a ton. remember the journals, photos, mtn dew and candy for my little gordinho comp elder delgadillo

    man i wish we could have talked longer though, it was really fun to see all of you. ha ha i thought about what Janaye said and it reminded me of what a man in my last ward said because they had been trying a really long time to have a kid and he said that they were not trying HARD enough, with a winky face. his name is vamor hes this super funny dude in my last ward in foz.ha ha but ya right there you saw us messing around like wed be on p day but generally were very strict about our language and subjects of speech because we always need the spirit with us,  but when we get even just a minute to goof off we take it for as much as we can,  and last night felt really good to just sit in a nice house and unwind with the family. Elder Delgadillo said he loves Janaye to, and he thinks shes really pretty. but then i said she so sassy though and he said she wasn't sassy enough ha ha. this elders a hoot. he also said he hopes Dakota liked him, he really has taken a liking to Dakota ha ha but he says that Koty needs to calm it down about the Avengers. his words exactly were calm down Koty. Thats nice that i finally got to see Nicole and Chloe. Chloes a big girl huh ha ha. Nicole is surprisingly pretty for Chads situation. Nice to see that Logan and Jenaye are still together and loving life as always, but man they would have some cool kids i think. A little sass with a little chill. They could have some little chassy kids. And I'm very excited to hear that Addison will turn his papers in after this next semester or something like that. Guy needs to get out already, theres nothing for you in Fresno. run. and i didn't even recognise Riley's voice at first, that little pubescent boys starting to turn into a young man. and ya Riley Edington probably said that about Logan's reactivation because he didn't baptise anyone on his mission, but yes a reactivation is just as good as a baptism. We do have this one guy that hadn't been to church in 8 years but came on Sunday. were working with him but i will say that its pretty difficult. but man its been 4 weeks since Ive baptised and I'm going crazy, so ya I've been having some  dreams. skype joke remember? not literally. but the batizador is about to come back. love you all, stay safe and keep the commandments and multiply and replenish the earth,
                                               - Elder Parker

thanks dad,
     i did tell those people thanks about a million times. they came just in time because we had no one to skype with Friday night and we were on our way to bishops house when they drove by and we asked them if they knew that bishop had skype and they said they did so it all worked out. miracles just kinda happen when you're on the mission.
     it was really fun seeing everyone together again ha ha every ones growing up. when it was just sound at first and i heard Riley's voice i didn't even recognise it at first i had assumed someone else was there. crazy how the family's growing so fast. love you a ton dad, keep on keepin on.
                   - Elder Parker

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