conference was really good. i felt
the spirit many times in almost every talk. i had the opportunity to watch the
priesthood session but i had to watch it in portuguese, pres. monsons deu um
discurso brutal cara! i especially liked something that elder eyring said in
one of his talks that the companionship of the holy ghost should be present in
marriage so that we can be equally yoked with our spouses. people cant have the
holy ghost in there lives unless they get baptized therefore weve got to
baptize everyone. why dont people give more missionary references? it breaks
Jesus' heart.
other then
conference this week was rough. the mission only baptized 8 people and my zone
didnt baptize anybody, we also baptized nobody also. ive never seen the mission
baptize so little in one week and ive never been in a zone that didnt baptize
at least one person. one of the worst weeks in history. on the good side of
things though we took this family of 4 to church. the other missionaries talked
to the son in the street and he said he was interested and they marked to pass
by his house the next day at 7 ish. then the next day we were in the street
talking to people and i talked to this man coming home from work and marked to
pass by his house later that night and teach his family. later that night when
we looked at the two people we marked we saw that it was the same address haha.
so we showed up there and taught the family the message of the restoration. its
an actual complete family with a mom, dad, and they have two sons. thats
already a miracle that its not a broken family. we taught them and in the end
after teaching them the book of mormon, we all neeled together to say the
closing prayer and invited the dad to say the last prayer and ask if the book
of mormon is true. holding the book of mormon in his hands, he offered a simple
but powerful prayer and said, "Heavenly Father, is the book of mormon
true? in the name of Jesus Christ amen." we and the family felt the spirit
and they all said theyd be baptized. God answered the mans prayer in the moment
like He always does and they all went to church. were gonna baptize the sons
this sunday cause the parents arent married yet. missionary work is so easy
with God on our side haha. i dont even know why we fear sometimes. God says He
will do something then Hes gonna do it.
we saw elder zioli off at the
airport, never thought that day would come.
hope your all keeping
the commandments :D
- Elder Bennett

we took 8 people to conference,
one of them being a family of four, the father already recieved an answer of
the book of mormon and everything, only problem is that there not married. basically the biggest reason why theres not a
lot of " family baptisms" in brazil. they do have two sons that are
in the age of baptism.
theres a young man in our ward that will be going on his
mission on the 14th of november, he always lets me and elder petersen know how
much time is left till he goes on his mission and we finish ours. its
there should be at least 3 baptisms this week. lets see what comes from it! love ya pops! heres my little granson on the mission. :D
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