Monday, August 6, 2012

lesson on Pride

O.K. there is alot of sarcasm in this letter! directed at Mom, because she did or did not do things this Elder had requested! I'm still repenting!!! Also lesson learned on Pride!!!

thanks for the testimony mom,
  i dont know who those people are just add them, i think that maria lady is the one tht had the dream about me. if there brazilian you dont need to ask me mom, just add people.

    Yaaaa nicole  got her patriarchal blessing! righteous!

     is chad in prison or is he staying in something more like a half house because he gets to watch tv and he is the teacher for gospel classes they have, and he is going to get released way early, does he get room service also... hehe

     PLEASE GET THE ADDRESS TO THE MTC FOR ME. i really wanted to write a letter today to the both of them and then send it there because it would take 15 days to reach them and then they could recieve it in there first couple days but ill have to wait another week to do that. or maybe more if you forget again.

    but you didnt forget the package!!!!! i forget how much better american candy is then brazilian. reeses are the best. we already ate everything. thank you so much for the package!!! it was great! the south american elders here cried tears of joy when they found out i got another package.but i have a question, why do you throw wierd stuff in there, i dont know if other mormon moms are polluting your mind or if jared is saying stuff because i have never said i needed a towel or gum. dont send gum. its actually a rule on the mission for all missionaries worldwide that you cannot chew gum in public. Jesus reps dont chew gum. please dont send gum, that can be more reeses. and the towel? i already have 2 and yes they stay dry. but the mangos, reeses and reeses pieces are spot on. i also dont need more journals. thanks for the pictures also, i like the second album better.

photos of my baptism please!! how am i supposed to baptize the children of brazil if i cant show there mothers that i was baptized as a kid also, mothers will not sign the baptismal form if i dont have there confidence!

      and whats this?! the olympics are going on?! nobody ever said i would give up the summer olympics! keep me posted on what happens please, all the brazilians love to keep me posted on how the u.s. is already out for soccer.

         i learned a lot about pride this week. i studied the talk by President Ezra Taft Benson called Beware of Pride. its really really good and he basically just rocks everyones world about how pride is the root of all sin. so i was relating to my mission and i realized that when one feels fear to share the gospel, its a sin. if i feel scared to talk to someone its because of my pride. i feel scared to talk to them because im scared of what they will think of me, but i cannot fear any man, only God. i should be more afraid what God will think of me then that man, that is humility. but if i am scared and i dont talk to them, its not cause im scared, its because im prideful. so how do i get over that, i get on the city bus, tell everybody good afternoon, then start talking with everyone about baptism and if they wanna be baptized. Vamos Lá!!! i remember when elder luchman showed up here to be my comp and after a little talking about our missions i was thinking whats this?! why is this guy my senior comp?! i have almost triple the baptisms as him and we have the same time on the mission. i baptized more in the last transfer then hes got on his whole mission! and he came here, this is my area and now he wants to call the shots! Such Pride! Pride in the Priesthood! he is called by God to be my senior and i have learned a lot from him AND hes already baptized more with me in this transfer then he did in his mission so far, but imagine what could have happened if i never got over my PRIDE were great comps together and ive learned that being junior or senior dont mean anything, im going to baptize in any place with any comp cause i can control what i do and i will always follow the Lord. i remember in the first week of my transfer i was thinking why is he my senior?! the problem with this is why was i not thinking who, how, and when are we going to baptize. SÓ BATIZAR!!!
                              - Elder Parker

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