Monday, March 19, 2012
Email #14 from Foz
Parker had a very short email to me and a bit longer to his dad, hum not sure about that but anyways they are both included. Just a translation for you from my letter Agora means now. Guess he needs a care package like yesterday or something! and Vamos means lets go, while Batizar means Christian.
thank you for the addresses mother.
ya so the work is opening up here now that i have a comp that actually respects me and listens to my opinion. so in four days weve already baptized and next week well baptize two more and the week after 4 possibly five. all becuase he listened to me. :) so lifes good. ive settled in. im crazy. im literally addicted to batisms now that i know its the only reason im here. i didnt know that till 4 weeks in but now i know and as you can see the numbers are showing. gonna be short but im going to send pictures. send me like 3 more gigabyte things for my camera and then ill send them to you. care package... AGORA!!!!
Letter to Dad:
haha i dont know how to spell in english anymore. on a letter i sent tolindsey and jared i noticed i wrote family, familiy. haha
thats great to hear about aunt joan. i decided that when i return imgonna put this family on my back and work with missionaries and babtize or reactivate everyone if they have a humble heart. nice to hear rileys enjoying volleyball but make sure that if he is banging his knees on the hardwood toconsider wearing knee pads. seriously becuase you dive every five seconds and istill to this day get some knee pains and im pretty sure its because ofvolleyball. thats why i said do track because your legs get so strong withoutinjury but if hes doing volleyball hes doing volleyball. hell like it to sincebuchanan has a really good program too and probably can win some valleys orstate championships his junior and senior year.
serious dad everyday is a miracle here. you couldntbelieve how blessed we are. i got a new companion and he actually listens tome. my old one was really good but he never asked me what we should do or wheni voiced my opinion he was always quick to just laugh and say you´ll learn. henever listened. even when i said we need to exercise our priesthood more forthese people so they can actually feel the effects of the priesthood instead ofjust hearing it taught by us. he said no you can just say bless this house inthe opening prayer and thats fine. so with my new comp elder avilla he asked mewhat do you want to do. i said exercise our priesthood and what do you know thesecond day in we had already given 3 blessings on complete strangers and itreally opened there hearts. he listens to me. and guess what pops?! one lady wetracted into said she had a headache and didntwant our message because she wasgoing to take a nap. my companion said we can give you a blessing since wererepresentatives of Jesus Christ and we do everything He would do. so we gaveher a blessing of health and ya her heart was opened tremendously! shes veryuneducated and poor. she cant even read and yet when we taught about thepriesthood the next day in our first lesson with her she weeped because shesaid she new it was true because she felt it yesterday. amazing huh? ive taughtpastors, and people with college educations and they will deny the priesthoodbecause they say theres no such thing even though well show them tons ofscriptures in acts and they cant comprehend and yet this uneducated lady whocant even read the verses we read to her understands it. shes gonna be baptizedthis sunday and she gave us a reference to her daughter who has a family offour. were going to baptize 5 people because of a simple blessing for aheadache. let us exercise our priesthood more and vamos la batizar papa!!!
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