that was the weirdest and funniest letter ive gotten since being out in the field. . im really excited to hear though that ive got a new sister and niece in the family too. that should be an experience when i get home and finally get to meet them. thats also great to hear of the decision that Nicole is making to be baptized. let her know i said the Gospel of Jesus Christ can only strengthen her and that its a lot like everything else in life; you get what you put into it. hopefully things can work out for chad and hes in my prayers
about that naked picture i like to bust some push ups out while i study every now and then so i take my shirt off but i still have pants on. the reason why he took that picture is cause he thought that i was naked. so he told me to stay still, which i thought was weird but then i knew why when he showed me the picture. haha elder carrells always looking for a good laugh. hope you like the pictures i sent. i have a request though if you want another batch of pictures then you must send me a box full of flaming hot cheetos and some retainer refresher things dad gave me. that guy on the sidewalk was some dude that was just lying there all Christmas eve. for like 12 hours straight and i couldnt help but take a picture. he just layed there all day though. i wish i could have helped him but i think taking a picture of him helped me get through it. haha i yelled to some people to help him and when they tried to speak to him he just rolled over. i tried my best haha
ya the other night some guy in our neighborhood started lighting off fireworks at aroung 11. i guess he was just really excited for the 6th of january haha
so you painted my room huh? well guess what i dont know if ill even be in fresno when i get back though so im fine with it!
ya after the 15th people should just start mailing to my mission address cause mail takes so long to get here but for your missionties one then your fine til around the 24th cause those take about 2-4 days to get here so your fine but not everyone else for handwritten ones. sorry the guy today is actually making us get off today at 30 minutes so i gotta go. love you all very much.
ps me and elder carrell taught a 45 minute lesson in portuguese and last week i learned more in the language basically then i have this whole time ive been here. we all are truely blessed with the gift of tongues. we also take popular phrases of just stupid things we say in english and translate them to portuguese and when we say them in there language they dont make sense. send the meds once i get to the actual mission.
- Elder Bennett
part of Elder Carrells letter this week: first off i'd like to say that im a fan of my comp elder bennett! i got pretty lucky to have such a sick companion! we both like to party and have a good time but also both know how to get down and dirty in the Gospel. 'some people think we dont know a butt load about the gospel but we do... We do...'

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