I’m staying in Apucarana and I’m staying with e. Denna. this is e. Denna’s
last transfer also and seeing as how it’s very rare that mission presidents
will take both people out at the same time, I’ll probably stay this transfer
with e. Denna then another with someone else and then be transferred to go die
somewhere in another zone. Basically I’ll probably stay here at least another 3
months. Who knows maybe I’ll stay here until the end...
absolutely hated that paragraph about the surgeries. I’m never coming home now!
I don’t know for sure if I’ll need to get surgery on the knee or the gall
bladder, schedule the dr’s appointments and we will see what they say. geez
this woman doesn’t play any games!
It’s like that
little present grandma Bennett gave to me with a dog and a cat laying together
and it says, love isn’t love unless it’s shared. :D
It’s like you said, God wants all of us to return to live with him. So why do
some people think that we can put the essential ordinances of salvation off for
tomorrow! Today is the day to perform the ordinances! Are we so blind to not
see that somebody CAN’T enter into Gods Kingdom unless they are baptized? when
Jesus says that someone will be condemned if there not baptized by someone
holding the priesthood authority of God He wasn’t telling a joke, He wasn’t
lying, He wasn’t telling a half truth, He said that someone that isn’t baptized
cannot enter into the Kingdom of God! YOU WONT GO!!! it doesn’t matter if there
8 or 80, if they lived good lives or if they had a lot of faith, you won’t be
seeing them in the Kingdom of God. When Jesus has said numerous times in all
scriptures that the day of His coming is at the door. He isn’t saying that its
tomorrow or its next week or its next year, when someone’s at the door you
answer it NOW! NOW is the time to repent and be baptized, not tomorrow or next Wednesday!
In this very moment! i don’t want to ever hear another person tell me that
someone needs to be "prepared" to be baptized. there does not exist
in the scriptures anywhere where one has to have knowledgeable preparation in
order to baptize someone, the ordinance
of baptism requires a humble heart, a broken spirit, a desire to take upon
yourself the name of Christ, and a promise or COVENANT between that person and
God (that we cannot judge, because we do NOT know someone’s heart) that they
will keep the commandments. The only reason that some time back someone needed
to receive all the lessons or flip chart things 30 years ago before they got
baptized was because the church, meaning the members, were not ready or trained
to receive such a high number of converts at one time. i don’t ever want to
hear about how in some other time, they only baptized " real
converts" or people that had "testimonies" . No in your time you
weren’t ready to receive as many converts as the church is ready to receive
today! In my time the church is ready to receive this many converts, in my time
God wants baptisms more than ever because His day of coming is at the door! In
my time, the church has enough programs, quorums and leaders that are ready to receive
this number of converts, if not why would the Lord allow us with this great privilege
to have missionaries leave earlier for missions and not stay in the mtc as much
time. Think of it, they cut the mtc time down by 7 days for people that already
speak the language. Why would God do that? Because He wants, and h e needs
every single moment that we can give to Him to baptize His Children! He does
not want us to wait till next week, or tomorrow He wants them to be baptized
today, right now, why else would He take 7 days away, one week?! He knows we don’t
have time to wait anymore, not even one more single day! People need to be
baptized today! The ordinance of Baptism does not ask for knowledge either, it
asks for humility. It’s an ordinance of obedience, obedience is the first law
in the Heavens, and God wants somebody to submit to His Will. I’m pretty sure
in 3rd Nephi Jesus says that the new covenant is that someone needs to submit
there will to Him, literally give everything that they have, all their dreams,
wishes, desires, acts, even their thoughts must be given to Him. Knowledge
never falls into this category, obedience does not ask for knowledge, it asks
for humility! Who is better, someone with much knowledge, but breaks a couple
of the commandments or someone that is of little knowledge, yet they keep all
the commandments such as baptism! Only the humble will be saved in the end! There
was an American elder that was born and raised in the church that got here in
the field and did not know that in the joseph smiths first vision he saw Jesus and God in the sacred grove, yet
without this knowledge this elder was still on the mission because his humility
was greater than his knowledge. can you imagine how ridiculous that would be if
someone said to this young elder, " o you can’t serve a mission cause you didn’t
know this." how foolish would that be, it’s because just as baptism
requires a humble heart, so does the mission, actually so does everything in
the Kingdom of God, He can’t mold a pride fully stiffened heart, it must be
humble and soft! Jesus always sought the humble of heart, and was always
accepted by them, how many prideful yet knowledgeable people accepted Him? None,
those all crucified Him! Jesus asks for the humble of heart, with a broken
spirit, people that want to take upon them His name, and remember Him always
and keep His commandments! D and C 20 states clearly the people that are ready
to be baptized in these our days, and it never anything about some sort of
knowledge or how many times someone needs to go to church, or who they know in
the church, how will they come to church, if they have a real testimony or real
intent! Willford Woodruff, a PROPHET of God, was baptized on the SAME NIGHT
that he met the missionaries and then later he went on to be one of the most
FAITHFUL followers of Christ ever to live on this earth. How can we judge
someone if they will stay active or if they have a real testimony or real
intent? We can’t! And it’s a sin if we do! God the Father and Jesus Christ, our
Savior have invited EVERYONE on this planet to HUMBLE and SUBMIT there will to
them and be BAPTIZED. Where in the scriptures does it say that we can also
decide if they are ready? Baptism is such an essential ordinance for salvation,
why would God give us the power or authority to decide when someone’s ready, it’s
His ordinance that He created, He is the only one that decides if someone’s
ready and when! And He’s already spoken numerous times and in every
BELOVED SON." "pride is the great stumbling block of Zion, i repeat,
PRIDE is the great stumbling block of Zion." if we as members do not let
our pride down, and humble ourselves before God, how are we going to baptize
our brothers and sisters? We must share the gospel with every living creature,
we must persuade them to submit there will to God and be baptized, but how can
we persuade people to give there will and submit to God when pride fully we
hold our own, clenched in our fists. Give it up! Give up everything you have to
God, you will make of yourself a mere man; He can make of you a God! and when
the missionaries come to you with two kids that have humble hearts, and that
want to be baptized you go behind there back and stop the baptism because you
think that there not ready cause there only 10 and 11, when an 8 year old sins it’s
the same as an 20 year old sinning or a 50 year old or little Rose that’s your
80 year old neighbor, either way and at whatever age after 8 years old you must
submit your will to God or you WILL NOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD. This
week i will visit a lady that will reap what she sewed. Love you mom!
- Elder

Thanks for the support! Ya I’ve
realized that you and the family must be pretty busy in places that don’t have
much internet access, but it’s alright go enjoy life! i searched that talk on
lds site and i decided I’m going to study it for this week, sounds like a good
talk. i was really hoping to read where Dakota would be called to but i
can wait one more week. take good care of him for me! The mission is a pretty
special experience. I’m staying here in apucarana this for this next transfer
with e. denna again, were going to cut a mean rug this transfer! :D
i was sad that someday
i would have to return home and not be able to be an elder but I’ve been
thinking a lot lately on the people that pass by me every day in the real world
and ill have just as many opportunities to share the gospel, just depends on
the way we see it. i really liked that video that they showed in the broadcast
about that family where everyone shared the gospel in their own way and with
the everyday people they pass by but the difference is that they looked at their
lives through Heavens eyes, seeing people as possible baptisms. i love this
work and just cause someday i won’t have a name tag on anymore doesn’t mean the
baptisms stop, once a baptizer always a baptizer!!! we need more
missionary couples in the world, look at this picture, it’s us in some other
city about 2 hours away from apucarana and this is all people that would be
baptized there but how would we ever start a group or a branch there if we don’t
have a priesthood holder that’s experienced and can lead them. This city is so
golden also! Imagine, if our mission had a missionary couple, send the couple
there open up a group and i can guarantee you that in 2 months there’s 50
people baptized there easy, this dinky city is full of elects!

love you a ton dad, thanks for all the support, its better to have a home team rooting
for you always!
- Elder Bennett