In Parker's email this week he found out that his buddy Elder Petersen (from the CTM) was in the hospital last week very sick so he comments on that and is doing much better this week, things are looking up!
noooooooooooo petersen was my boy! i hope hes getting better. he will be in my prayers. thanks for all the support mom means a lot. this week started off really tough because my elder freitas gave me much more responsibility when we teach so our practice sessions have gotten a lot more intense. im pissed cause he sucks at teaching and he gets pissed cause i suck at memorizing WORDS I DONT KNOW IN PORTUGUESE THE FIRST TIME I LOOK AT THEM so there really just sounds to me. haha seriosly it gets intense he fake punches me in the face or will stand up and start beating me but not actually hitting me and kicking me and i just sit there with a stiff chin cause we both really wanna punch each other in the face. so the week started off rough i was really angry about my portuguese and threw a fit while we were proselyting i wanted to just run around the town and start destroying everything cause he makes me do every house now to help my portuguese im like home boy you cant learn the meaning of words if you keep hearing em in another language and never get to study. o ya he only lets me study portuguese 3 times a week cause he believes me talking to people is better even though i have the same convos everytime cause i cant just make words up i dont know. so i prayed real real diligent on the worst day because i felt like crap becuase of my portuguese and then the next 3 people i proselyted to were like ay you speak really good portuguese for 3 months. im impressed. i was i little softened and then when we were at the bus terminal some asian lady came up to me and started speaking english wanting to know which bus to take to get to the falls from argentina and i was able to translate what she said to portuguese and then what they said to english. then i realized wow i really have gotten good at portuguese i think one more month and i could be fluent. and then just like that the weak was really good and my best yet. we taught a really good lesson to a 18 year old yesterday and i did most of the talking to. now im a little suprised with how good ive gotten instead of how much i hadnt learnded.a total 180.
i thought i remembered jared saying something about sundays being a nice relaxing day on the mish cause its the exact opposite. we hit the streets at 8 and invite everyone we see to church and walk all over knocking at our investigators doors to make sure they go to church. its probably our hardest working day.
thats really cool to hear about nicole getting a call cause thats what the beauty of this gospel is, right when your in youre put to work immediately. you have to actually do stuff and grow to be a part of the kingdom of God not just show up and listen to a priest form opinions about the Gospel of Jesus Christ for you.
this world amazes me. in about 150 lessons so far weve had everysingle person except for 3, wolves in sheeps clothings, say to us after our lesson that they believe joseph smith was a prophet of God and that this was the gospel of Jesus Christ and the True church. but then when we talk about baptism theyll say o ive been baptized, im catholic or evangelical. so well say but you understand they do not perform the ordinance correctly and that they dont have the priesthood. theyll say ya i know but im catholic. so i got so just intense i asked this guy straight up so if God gave you a straight answer that this was his kingdom on the earth and had all truths you wouldnt be baptized. he chuckled a bit, saw i was dead serious and the said, i already know that your church is the true church on earth but i was baptized catholic and all my friends are in this church. i thought you small little man. its funny in second nephi, nephi prophesies people will love Christ but hate the words he speaks not knowing its the words he speaks that make Him the Christ. exactly true all these people draw close to Him with there lips but there hearts are far from Him.
time to preach some repentance elder bennett
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday, February 20, 2012
Email #10 from Foz
So this week's email was hard to get through without crying. Parker is very passionate about the people that he serves and wants so badly to help each find their way back to the Savior Jesus Christ.
mom quit worrying about everything. im fine. ya my shoes are getting wrecked and my shirts are gonna get dirty. if you could see missionaries with a year to a year and half you realize that you hit a point where you dont care cause theres nothing you can do about it. everything i have is going to come back in much worse shape. yeeeessss i know elder havili. hes cool, in my district.
i wanted to share today about my missionary work so far. im not going to write about baptisms i have or anything but ill take pictures of em and you can see them someday. i dont want to sound boasting or anything if i speak about them publicly. there going to be sincere to my heart and probably the hardest things ive ever worked for so i dont want to ruin there sacred meaning.
i have been blessed with the gift of discernment. i was given this gift in the ctm after much prayer and studying. when i arrived here i watched a video with Elder Holland about how you should be able to tell everything about the investigator from there eyes. there the window to the soul. so for about a month ive been praying, fasting, and studying more about discernment. i have recieved of this gift. mom, i can look into someones eyes that i dont know the name of and can see what there feeling, need, and the pain they feel.
we tracked into a ladies home and when she was walking from her door we made eye contact, i could feel her pain and she was calling out to me. when we got into her house to teach her, we found out shes catholic and knows much about religion but the whole time i could feel her pain. she needed to know God loves her and we love her. my companion who seems to be a robot sometimes jumps into the second lesson and i was astonished. i thought can he not see her pain. after a ten minute lesson that i could see did nothing for her he finished and as he went to stand up to leave i spoke up. the whole ten minutes he spoke i recieved an inspired simple question from the spirit and knew i needed to speak even though i had no idea what was going on. so i said a little prayer in my heart that i could even have a sensitive tone in my voice so she knew i loved her. i thought of the savior and how hed say it, cause hes perfect and even His tone is perfect for what times He speaks. so i simply said, i can feel you need something, what is it that you need more of in your life. she looked to the right for a second, then just broke down crying. she cried for about ten seconds before she could muster up that she needed more peace, love, and alegria in her life. i replied that through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ she can have that. she said something back i dont know but i replied that God loved her and we loved her also, she continued to cry more and then replied something i dont know what she said but i said that we have the book of mormon that can bring more joy into your life. she cried more. i held a conversation with a woman for 30 seconds and i didnt understand a word she said, but i understood her eyes. we knelt and prayed with her and she said she felt more peaceful and you wanna here the best part we never went back and taught her cause we didnt invite her to be baptized and my companion doesnt feel the need to see her again. its been a rough week. we knelt and prayed with a 14 year old young woman and her boyfriend after a great lesson and she recieved her answer on the spot. she proffessed to us that we are sent by God and that the book of mormon is true and joseph smith was a proghet of God. then we showed up the next day and with her hand at her side i could see that the light i saw in her eyes after she prayed was not only gone but her eyes were darker. then she lifted her hand to reveal a cigarrette in her hand. we taught her the second lesson and she didnt care at all, asked her to pray and she refused. can you imagine my pain i felt last night, can you see me almost wanting to cry in front of a 14 year old girl, my sister, because she would choose her crappy life and not accept the gospel. when you have a spiritual experience with someone you form a bond that goes beyond this world. then these people just take it and throw it on the ground. my own sheep, whom im trying my hardest to gather. can you see me mom, i wake up at night cause im dreaming of these people and i cant sleep. i kneel for half an hour for these people and then lay in my bed and lose sleep over these people. that woman whos husband is cheating on her we see her everyday and she cries because she needs to take antideppressants because he calls her telling her its her fault. i was dreaming about her on wednesday, i dreamt of her pain. i woke up at 3 in the morning wanting to cry. i layed in my bed for a whole hour thinking praying for her. can these people not see that i love them, can they not see that i would die for them. yesterday i almost lost it. i realized why my comps a robot. he makes no connection with these people whatsoever, asks no questions because he knows in the end theyre just going to hurt him. hes not scared to ask the questions hes scared of how these people just openly deny you. im not struggling but right now i am hurt. i have to stare into peoples eyes and see that they need the gospel and stare into there eyes and see there pain then they just deny us. im going to give everything ive got this week, push myself even harder cause when we put ourselves out there Deus rewards our faith
mom quit worrying about everything. im fine. ya my shoes are getting wrecked and my shirts are gonna get dirty. if you could see missionaries with a year to a year and half you realize that you hit a point where you dont care cause theres nothing you can do about it. everything i have is going to come back in much worse shape. yeeeessss i know elder havili. hes cool, in my district.
i wanted to share today about my missionary work so far. im not going to write about baptisms i have or anything but ill take pictures of em and you can see them someday. i dont want to sound boasting or anything if i speak about them publicly. there going to be sincere to my heart and probably the hardest things ive ever worked for so i dont want to ruin there sacred meaning.
i have been blessed with the gift of discernment. i was given this gift in the ctm after much prayer and studying. when i arrived here i watched a video with Elder Holland about how you should be able to tell everything about the investigator from there eyes. there the window to the soul. so for about a month ive been praying, fasting, and studying more about discernment. i have recieved of this gift. mom, i can look into someones eyes that i dont know the name of and can see what there feeling, need, and the pain they feel.
we tracked into a ladies home and when she was walking from her door we made eye contact, i could feel her pain and she was calling out to me. when we got into her house to teach her, we found out shes catholic and knows much about religion but the whole time i could feel her pain. she needed to know God loves her and we love her. my companion who seems to be a robot sometimes jumps into the second lesson and i was astonished. i thought can he not see her pain. after a ten minute lesson that i could see did nothing for her he finished and as he went to stand up to leave i spoke up. the whole ten minutes he spoke i recieved an inspired simple question from the spirit and knew i needed to speak even though i had no idea what was going on. so i said a little prayer in my heart that i could even have a sensitive tone in my voice so she knew i loved her. i thought of the savior and how hed say it, cause hes perfect and even His tone is perfect for what times He speaks. so i simply said, i can feel you need something, what is it that you need more of in your life. she looked to the right for a second, then just broke down crying. she cried for about ten seconds before she could muster up that she needed more peace, love, and alegria in her life. i replied that through the restored gospel of Jesus Christ she can have that. she said something back i dont know but i replied that God loved her and we loved her also, she continued to cry more and then replied something i dont know what she said but i said that we have the book of mormon that can bring more joy into your life. she cried more. i held a conversation with a woman for 30 seconds and i didnt understand a word she said, but i understood her eyes. we knelt and prayed with her and she said she felt more peaceful and you wanna here the best part we never went back and taught her cause we didnt invite her to be baptized and my companion doesnt feel the need to see her again. its been a rough week. we knelt and prayed with a 14 year old young woman and her boyfriend after a great lesson and she recieved her answer on the spot. she proffessed to us that we are sent by God and that the book of mormon is true and joseph smith was a proghet of God. then we showed up the next day and with her hand at her side i could see that the light i saw in her eyes after she prayed was not only gone but her eyes were darker. then she lifted her hand to reveal a cigarrette in her hand. we taught her the second lesson and she didnt care at all, asked her to pray and she refused. can you imagine my pain i felt last night, can you see me almost wanting to cry in front of a 14 year old girl, my sister, because she would choose her crappy life and not accept the gospel. when you have a spiritual experience with someone you form a bond that goes beyond this world. then these people just take it and throw it on the ground. my own sheep, whom im trying my hardest to gather. can you see me mom, i wake up at night cause im dreaming of these people and i cant sleep. i kneel for half an hour for these people and then lay in my bed and lose sleep over these people. that woman whos husband is cheating on her we see her everyday and she cries because she needs to take antideppressants because he calls her telling her its her fault. i was dreaming about her on wednesday, i dreamt of her pain. i woke up at 3 in the morning wanting to cry. i layed in my bed for a whole hour thinking praying for her. can these people not see that i love them, can they not see that i would die for them. yesterday i almost lost it. i realized why my comps a robot. he makes no connection with these people whatsoever, asks no questions because he knows in the end theyre just going to hurt him. hes not scared to ask the questions hes scared of how these people just openly deny you. im not struggling but right now i am hurt. i have to stare into peoples eyes and see that they need the gospel and stare into there eyes and see there pain then they just deny us. im going to give everything ive got this week, push myself even harder cause when we put ourselves out there Deus rewards our faith
Monday, February 13, 2012
Email #9 from Foz do Iguaca
Well, I would say that things went much better this week for Parker. Enjoy!
i hope your well mom and the surgery went all good and youre getting better. sorry to hear about chad and ill keep him in my prayers. about the address its tough cause if you send packages to the mission home they wont pick em up. they dont have time. you have to mail packages to a member in my area and im new so i cant really give you one haha but maybe someday. the letters you send em to the mission home and about once a month or possibly transfer they send them out. there more concerned about baptisms here. nobody really gets mail to tell you the truth. so just mail em to the mission home or when i get more accustomed ill let you know a better way until now thats all ive got.
i have some things that have happened to me over the week that id like to share. just things i wrote down just cause im still getting used to the culture here. its probably the only time im gonna do this unless something extreme happens. i need to start kicking it into high gear ive only got 2 years here and i need to do all i can.
on my street i thought there was two strip clubs. upon further investigation ive realized there hair salons. dont know what woman with giant bosoms have to do with hair but whatever brings in business.
the old chaps have it down here. theres certain spots where they just chill under a tree and drink this brazilian drink all day. there the nicest people in town and always wanna talk. they know theyve worked a whole life, done all there is to do, and seen all they can see so they just chill, dont do anything just sit in some shade and talk with friends. there my idols.
i have no idea whats going on. one of our recent converts called us hysterical so we met with her and she was crying a bunch. i thought cause her husband didnt wanna join the church also but it turns out she just caught him cheating. ya took me 3 whole days to figure that out. i have no idea whats going on.
they sent the whitest boy to the hottest and poorest area in the mission.
the brazilians cant believe i tract with that gold coin in my shirt pocket especially in our area. everysingle one tells me im gonna get a gun pulled on me. fool i got Jesus on my side
people here will do anything we tell them to... except be baptized!
found my mission call in alma 17:11
i have a feeling once i get this language down im gonna be the best instrument in the Lords hands here. these are my people and i connect with them on so many levels. i just cant let them know yet.
ya know in that movie the other side of heaven when that one girl tries to get with the missionary and he doesnt and after the mom is like just give us a white baby! lets get something straight, any woman that makes me a home cooked meal, i will marry her daughter and give her as many white babies as she wants. theres nothing like a home cooked meal. ive yet to find anything thats not delicious when you just throw rice and beans on it. salad, fruit, meat anything.
right when my companion elder freitas was talking about baptism and about to invite a woman and her 11 year old son to baptism she just took her boob out and started breast feeding her baby. he invited her to baptism with her boob out. second time thats happend when a woman just pulls her boob out in a lesson and breast feeds. i see woman with there boobies out just breast feeding kids on there porch. ive seen more boobies here, as a missionary, a representative for Jesus Christ then ive seen in my whole life.
i interpreted some adele song for some brazilians. i felt like that guy on saving private ryan at the end when he interprets the song. felt cool
the kids play that kite runner game on windy days in the streets where they rap there stirng around each other and snap it. its super cool to watch there really good. they play with string wrapped around old beer cans with crappy kites here. thats how poor it is.
tell grandma b i got her letter and i wrote her back
theres random ripped old dudes
this is the most selfless two years of your life. i wake up, pray for my investigators, study for 3 hours for my investigators, teach my investigators, get home pray for them more and plan the next day for them. its really awesome though the best time ever. i feel like a little shepherd with his little flock, trying to guide them to the real great Sherpherd. i need to start talking more in our lessons, even if i dont know how to say it in portuguese its a lack of faith on my part. anyways hours up love you all. im going hard from here on out. eu sou Dan Jones
Elder Bennett
i hope your well mom and the surgery went all good and youre getting better. sorry to hear about chad and ill keep him in my prayers. about the address its tough cause if you send packages to the mission home they wont pick em up. they dont have time. you have to mail packages to a member in my area and im new so i cant really give you one haha but maybe someday. the letters you send em to the mission home and about once a month or possibly transfer they send them out. there more concerned about baptisms here. nobody really gets mail to tell you the truth. so just mail em to the mission home or when i get more accustomed ill let you know a better way until now thats all ive got.
i have some things that have happened to me over the week that id like to share. just things i wrote down just cause im still getting used to the culture here. its probably the only time im gonna do this unless something extreme happens. i need to start kicking it into high gear ive only got 2 years here and i need to do all i can.
on my street i thought there was two strip clubs. upon further investigation ive realized there hair salons. dont know what woman with giant bosoms have to do with hair but whatever brings in business.
the old chaps have it down here. theres certain spots where they just chill under a tree and drink this brazilian drink all day. there the nicest people in town and always wanna talk. they know theyve worked a whole life, done all there is to do, and seen all they can see so they just chill, dont do anything just sit in some shade and talk with friends. there my idols.
i have no idea whats going on. one of our recent converts called us hysterical so we met with her and she was crying a bunch. i thought cause her husband didnt wanna join the church also but it turns out she just caught him cheating. ya took me 3 whole days to figure that out. i have no idea whats going on.
they sent the whitest boy to the hottest and poorest area in the mission.
the brazilians cant believe i tract with that gold coin in my shirt pocket especially in our area. everysingle one tells me im gonna get a gun pulled on me. fool i got Jesus on my side
people here will do anything we tell them to... except be baptized!
found my mission call in alma 17:11
i have a feeling once i get this language down im gonna be the best instrument in the Lords hands here. these are my people and i connect with them on so many levels. i just cant let them know yet.
ya know in that movie the other side of heaven when that one girl tries to get with the missionary and he doesnt and after the mom is like just give us a white baby! lets get something straight, any woman that makes me a home cooked meal, i will marry her daughter and give her as many white babies as she wants. theres nothing like a home cooked meal. ive yet to find anything thats not delicious when you just throw rice and beans on it. salad, fruit, meat anything.
right when my companion elder freitas was talking about baptism and about to invite a woman and her 11 year old son to baptism she just took her boob out and started breast feeding her baby. he invited her to baptism with her boob out. second time thats happend when a woman just pulls her boob out in a lesson and breast feeds. i see woman with there boobies out just breast feeding kids on there porch. ive seen more boobies here, as a missionary, a representative for Jesus Christ then ive seen in my whole life.
i interpreted some adele song for some brazilians. i felt like that guy on saving private ryan at the end when he interprets the song. felt cool
the kids play that kite runner game on windy days in the streets where they rap there stirng around each other and snap it. its super cool to watch there really good. they play with string wrapped around old beer cans with crappy kites here. thats how poor it is.
tell grandma b i got her letter and i wrote her back
theres random ripped old dudes
this is the most selfless two years of your life. i wake up, pray for my investigators, study for 3 hours for my investigators, teach my investigators, get home pray for them more and plan the next day for them. its really awesome though the best time ever. i feel like a little shepherd with his little flock, trying to guide them to the real great Sherpherd. i need to start talking more in our lessons, even if i dont know how to say it in portuguese its a lack of faith on my part. anyways hours up love you all. im going hard from here on out. eu sou Dan Jones
Elder Bennett
Monday, February 6, 2012
1st area Foz do Iguacu
Well Parker has finally written after 2 weeks of anxiously awaiting to see where he would end up. He is in Foz do Iguacu.
hey family,
i have no idea whats going on! i didnt even know today was my p day. my comp is brazilian and speaks no english, its 124 degrees outside and i dont understand anything. hes super bossy and i have to go now cause hes flipping out. now im back.
guy this guys crazy and i dont speak his language so i literally have no idea whats going on ever. hes never even heard of english. hes 24 from the north of part of brazil sort of by manaus. hes brazilian indian which basically almost the same as native american. hes got the appearence of one of those mean muggin native americans from the 1800s.
um im right next to one of the seven wonders of the world. the city is foz do igauaƧu. paraguay is right down the street. literally, i can see it from my apartment. like i said it freakin hot here. around 46-48 celsius. haha ya way hotter then fresno theres humidity also so i sweat all day. i got really sick last week with a sinus infection so i got to enter the mission field with that. i had lost my voice to the point where i couldnt speak at all. for all wednesday and all thursday. meanwhile we still walked about 12 miles everyday in 126ish weather. i was so sick. the first night here we taught a lesson to a lady and her boyfriend. at the end he looked at me to bare my testimony. i have no voice, i dont know what they just talked about for thirty minutes and i dont speak portuguese. but i just went for it, i didnt even think about it, just put my faith in God and i guess i said the right things cause the woman began weeping, i mean crying, tears streaming from her eyes. so that was cool first time i ever bore testimony on my mission a lady weeped.
in case you were wondering i have been blessed with the gift of tongues. a lot of what i want to say i can and i think in portuguese a lot now. basically where most missionaries are in 4 months im there in 1 week. God has not given me the gift of understanding this language though. i understand nothing anybody says to me. ill come up to someone and start speaking to them, then when they finally talk, i wont understand anything. theyll look at me like what the? you just spoke fluent to me. people keep telling me you speak very well very good portuguese but for some reason my mind cannot take the words they say to me and translate them. i dont even get close. i dont know when words end or start. imagine your trying to learn a language but its a country full of tech nines that speak the language. thats what its like.
this city is relatively big about 200000 but were more on the outskirts. the area is very poor. very very poor. not ghetto, but poor. if it was ghetto it would be a fevela but the people here are nice, we dont have any gang problems but when i say there poor i mean they are poor. were talking homemade roofs out of tin. weve went to teach lessons to families that just live in an abandoned building. broken windows and all.
did i mention its hotter then you could imagine. our only room with air conditioning is where we sleep so when we study theres sweat dripping off our faces. its that hot just in our apartment.
ive seen some pretty crazy stuff already haha. its funny you can walk 1 mile to some neighborhoods where the people have never even heard of internet and then only a mile away theres people that have internet. its kinda just live your life and do as you please. garbage everywhere nobody really cares. if we were to get jumped nobody would skip a beat, just still chill on there front porch. everyone minds there own business. just different cultures. like here if you knock poeple will be like whats going on. you have to clap. in america if someone clapped outside your house youd be like take the kids in the back i think were getting robbed. nobody wears any clothes here. most little kids are just topless in there front yard. i witnessed a fat woman playing cards with her boyfriend naked on there porch. different poeple. gotta go love you all. the works going
- Elder Bennett soon to be Elder Parker
hey family,
i have no idea whats going on! i didnt even know today was my p day. my comp is brazilian and speaks no english, its 124 degrees outside and i dont understand anything. hes super bossy and i have to go now cause hes flipping out. now im back.
guy this guys crazy and i dont speak his language so i literally have no idea whats going on ever. hes never even heard of english. hes 24 from the north of part of brazil sort of by manaus. hes brazilian indian which basically almost the same as native american. hes got the appearence of one of those mean muggin native americans from the 1800s.
um im right next to one of the seven wonders of the world. the city is foz do igauaƧu. paraguay is right down the street. literally, i can see it from my apartment. like i said it freakin hot here. around 46-48 celsius. haha ya way hotter then fresno theres humidity also so i sweat all day. i got really sick last week with a sinus infection so i got to enter the mission field with that. i had lost my voice to the point where i couldnt speak at all. for all wednesday and all thursday. meanwhile we still walked about 12 miles everyday in 126ish weather. i was so sick. the first night here we taught a lesson to a lady and her boyfriend. at the end he looked at me to bare my testimony. i have no voice, i dont know what they just talked about for thirty minutes and i dont speak portuguese. but i just went for it, i didnt even think about it, just put my faith in God and i guess i said the right things cause the woman began weeping, i mean crying, tears streaming from her eyes. so that was cool first time i ever bore testimony on my mission a lady weeped.
in case you were wondering i have been blessed with the gift of tongues. a lot of what i want to say i can and i think in portuguese a lot now. basically where most missionaries are in 4 months im there in 1 week. God has not given me the gift of understanding this language though. i understand nothing anybody says to me. ill come up to someone and start speaking to them, then when they finally talk, i wont understand anything. theyll look at me like what the? you just spoke fluent to me. people keep telling me you speak very well very good portuguese but for some reason my mind cannot take the words they say to me and translate them. i dont even get close. i dont know when words end or start. imagine your trying to learn a language but its a country full of tech nines that speak the language. thats what its like.
this city is relatively big about 200000 but were more on the outskirts. the area is very poor. very very poor. not ghetto, but poor. if it was ghetto it would be a fevela but the people here are nice, we dont have any gang problems but when i say there poor i mean they are poor. were talking homemade roofs out of tin. weve went to teach lessons to families that just live in an abandoned building. broken windows and all.
did i mention its hotter then you could imagine. our only room with air conditioning is where we sleep so when we study theres sweat dripping off our faces. its that hot just in our apartment.
ive seen some pretty crazy stuff already haha. its funny you can walk 1 mile to some neighborhoods where the people have never even heard of internet and then only a mile away theres people that have internet. its kinda just live your life and do as you please. garbage everywhere nobody really cares. if we were to get jumped nobody would skip a beat, just still chill on there front porch. everyone minds there own business. just different cultures. like here if you knock poeple will be like whats going on. you have to clap. in america if someone clapped outside your house youd be like take the kids in the back i think were getting robbed. nobody wears any clothes here. most little kids are just topless in there front yard. i witnessed a fat woman playing cards with her boyfriend naked on there porch. different poeple. gotta go love you all. the works going
- Elder Bennett soon to be Elder Parker
Thursday, February 2, 2012
February 2,2012 Londrina Brazil
Parker has finally left the training center and arrived at the Mission Presidents home. There he was interviewed and given his assignment for his first area and his new companion. No more Elder Carrell :(
We are anxiously awaiting his first email to give us all the details. In the mean time we were sent this email from The mission President and his wife of Parker and his arrival, along with this picture. Love how comfortable he is already with the President (arm around his shoulder)!
We are anxiously awaiting his first email to give us all the details. In the mean time we were sent this email from The mission President and his wife of Parker and his arrival, along with this picture. Love how comfortable he is already with the President (arm around his shoulder)!
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